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Brocade: Strong and a Silk substitute

Curtains, Bocade, swags and tails
Curtains brocade with swags and tails

Brocade is a jacquard weave. Silk is the most traditional form of brocade fabric, silk brocade still accounts for a significant portion of the world’s brocade supply. Silk is simply one of the smoothest and most lustrous textile materials the exist and this fibre is also extremely tensile and durable. There are other types of fibres used to create brocade. While significantly less elegant in appearance, cotton brocade is much simpler to produce. In most cases, the patterning in cotton brocade is less complex than the patterns featured in silk brocade.


Brocade fabrics can fray or pick easily due to these raised threads. Sometimes the fabric is backed in order to try and prevent this issue. As a result of the weave and composition of most Brocade fabrics, they are probably more suited to soft furnishings than general upholstery. Brocades can be used for light or occasional use upholstered furniture

Brocade: Is it a good choice for upholstery

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